Arlington Rugby Club would like to invite ALL kids in grades 3rd through 6th to come down and attend our open training sessions next week and give flag rugby a try! The free clinic will run jointly with and along side our current squad practice, so attendees will learn the game alongside Arlington Rugby Club’s…
Category: Clinics
Final Clinic Session of 2022
Thanks to everyone that turned up. We had 20 kids turning up to play in temperatures that were barely above freezing, ending just as the snow started! I hope everyone had fun. Also many thanks to Mystic Youth Rugby Club that have supported us so far by loaning us equipment.
Intro to Flag Rugby Clinic – Session 2
Come on down and join us on for our second flag rugby clinic here in town. The first one went great with about a dozen kids and we’d love to see that number grow! This time around will be a little different with members of the New England Free Jacks of Major League Rugby lending…
Intro to Flag Rugby Clinic
Come join us for some fun and learn more about the world’s fastest growing sport at our FREE rugby clinic on October 16! This clinic will be open to all children in 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Hope to see you there! Date: October 16, 2022 Time: 9am to 12pm Where: Arlington Catholic Turf Field,…